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Take time off to in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2021-01-08Updated:2021-01-08
Similar words: take time offtake timetake time by the forelockat the time ofthe time of daymake timepass the time of daytime off
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1. Women feel professionally penalized for taking time off to raise children.
2. It helps if you can move a few rungs up the career ladder before taking time off to have a baby.
3. Leaves any babies with minder - can't take time off to bring them up.
4. This is his first album in two years; he took time off to be with his family.
5. I take time off to have some coffee.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. I want to take time off to rest awhile.
7. Infected people cannot work, and others must take time off to care for them.
8. He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me.
9. I'm trying to take time off to see the sights.
10. Take time off to reflect on your future if this is needed. A good mentor will understand that you come first.
11. Take time off to give to yourself. And in the sense, you feel yourself up to fullness, where now you can overflow and give it.
12. When someone you know is feeling low because of recent disappointments, take time off to talk with them about their past successes.
13. Stress is a fact of modern work life. If you feel your stress levels have risen too high, take time off to let off the steam.
14. I knew a lot of rich people and multimillionaires would like to take time off to play golf, to enjoy the fresh air in the mountains, which you cannot find in Bangkok.
15. If you feel your stress levels have risen too high, take time off to let off the steam.
16. But that is why for all of us we have vacation. So we can take time off to relax and recover.
17. Some companies, she added, pay employees' salaries while they take time off to participate in humanitarian or relief efforts.
18. Whether you are working for yourself or someone else, it is important that you take time off to relax.
19. We should all be grateful and thankful to the special guest artist who has agreed to take time off to grace the show.
20. Blame it partly on a bureaucratic tradition in business and the government that isn't flexible enough to accommodate women who want to take time off to have a family.
More similar words: take time offtake timetake time by the forelockat the time ofthe time of daymake timepass the time of daytime offtime of dayestimated time of arrivaltime of yeartime of lifetime of arrivalat this time of daysome time or othertime of departuretake the edge offtake the place ofofftakeoff-timeoff timetake the cakecut-off timetimeouttime outtime-outtime overtime orderprime timemake game of
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